domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Gov’t demands UK to ‘avoid’ military tests in Malvinas Islands

Vice-Foreign Minister Alberto D'Alotto announced

The government rejected United Kingdom's plan of performing military tests in Malvinas Islands and cualified it as an "unacceptable new provocation and likely to lead to an armed situation in the region."

Deputy Foreign Minister Alberto D'Alotto announced during a press conference held at the Government House that the Naval Hydrographic Service received a report from the UK which stated the possibility of "performing missile tests from the islands."

"The Argentine government expresses its formal and energetic protest to this planned military exercise and demands the British government refrain from carrying it out," D'Alotto said, reading from the letter.

President Cristina Fernández condemned the plan via her Twitter account, saying it represented "a militarization of the South Atlantic."

Nearly 30 years after the two countries fought a war over control of the British-ruled islands, tensions have increased this year because Argentina is angry British firms are searching for oil and gas in the seas around them.

In 1982, Britain sent a naval force and thousands of troops to reclaim the islands after Argentine forces occupied them. About 650 Argentine and 255 British troops died in the 10-week conflict.

Britain has a permanent military presence on the islands, called Las Malvinas in Argentina, and maintains a force of 1,076 troops and four ships in the region.


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