viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

Hundreds accompany Kirchner's cortège towards the cemetery

The plane that was transferring the coffin of late Néstor Kirchner arrived at Río Gallegos Airport, Santa Cruz province, at 5:30pm. Currently, hundreds accompany the cortège towrads a local cemetery where the burial will take place. President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and both her children, Florencia and Máximo Kirchner, escorted the remains of the ex president along with Ministers and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. Earlier, they had participated in the second day of the funeral service at the Government House. Thousands of Argentines flooded the streets despite the heavy rain that was hitting Buenos Aires. Kirchner's remains were driven around the City in a several-car convoy, which was received and applauded by a huge crowd all the way to Jorge Newbery Metropolitan Airport.

The wake service was held with no interruptions during the night, for the doors of the Government House were open for anyone to enter the premises to give the former president a last goodbye. The whole service lasted for 26 hours, and it is said that thousands of people entered the the Salón de los Patriotas Latinoamericanos hall per hour. At noon, the doors were closed.

During the last hours of the wake, the President hugged and greeted several followers, activists, unionists, officials and whoever entered the premises to give her condolences. People sang the national anthem, shouted "Cristina, be strong!" and addressed her with messages claiming for the president to continue working for the people. The service closing time was delayed due to the amount of people willing to give the former president a last farewell.

After the wake was over, a funeral cortège was driven around the City. The several-car convoy procession that led the cortège of Kirchner's remains was received by thousands of Argentines. It is to pass around Leandro N. Alem Street, Córdoba, 9 de Julio, Libertador avenues and Salguero and Rafael Obligado streets until it gets to Aeroparque Jorge Newbery Airport. The corpse is to be transferred to Santa Cruz province, where it is set to be buried in the city of Río Gallegos this afternoon.

A "private family ceremony" will be held at the local cemetery, where President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and both her children Máximo and Florencia will be present.

The wake recorded a massive response. Yesterday, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and both her children, Florencia and Máximo, gave former president Néstor Kirchner an official last farewell at the Government House. Latin American heads of state arrived at the presidential house and expressed their condolences to the President. People constantly flooded the streets of the City.

Ministers, government officials and Kirchner's family members were also present, along with ex-football star Diego Maradona. After almost twelve hours, Fernández de Kirchner left the wake with her children and headed to the presidential residence in Olivos, Buenos Aires province.

Half-mast flags and signs that read "Néstor forever! Cristina, be strong!" were seen everywhere in the country as people took to the streets, lured by Kirchner's funeral service. Everyone was allowed to enter the Government House to see the former president for the last time, whose corpse was placed in the Salón de los Patriotas Latinoamericanos hall.

Latin American presidents were also present at the Government House. Bolivian Evo Morales was the first one to land in Buenos Aires. He was later followed by Ecuadorean head of state Rafael Correa, who warmly hugged Fernández de Kirchner and expressed his sorrow over the death of her husband. Chilean leader Sebastián Piñera and Uruguyan José "Pepe" Mujica, along with the presidents of Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil also made an appearence.

Former president Néstor Kirchner died Wednesday morning of a cardiac arrest. His doctor stated it was "a sudden death."


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